Current Students

Fifth + Year

Trase Aguigam

Trase Aguigam


University of California, Los Angeles
BS, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

PI: John Gross, Geeta Narlikar

Research summary: Mechanisms of 5'-3' mRNA degradation

Outreach activities:
BE-STEM (Black Excellence in STEM)
IMSD (Initiative for Maximizing Student Development)

Katie Augspurger

Katie Augspurger


University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Abigail Buchwalter, Barbara Panning

Research summary: Understanding the regulatory role of O-GlcNAc modfications during LAMIN A processing

Camila Benitez

Camila Benitez

University of California, Berkeley
BA, Molecular and Cell Biology emphasis in neuroscienc

PI: Aimee Kao

Research summary: How TSC1 haploinsufficiency leads to the specific accumulation of Tau

Derek Bogdanoff

Derek Bogdanoff

University of British Columbia
BS, Microbiology & Immunology

PI: Tom Nowakowski

Research summary: Technology Design and Development

Liz Bond

Liz Bond


University of Massachusetts Amherst
BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

PI: Allison Williams

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2020 (honorable mention)
Discovery Fellow (2021)

Addie Cady

Addie Cady

Duke University
BS, Biology

PI: David Raleigh

Research summary: Molecular mechanisms that drive meningioma pathology

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NCI F99/K00 Fellowship

Gabi Canales

Gabi Canales

University of Maryland Baltimore County
BS, Biological Sciences

PI: Jeremy Reiter

Research summary: Studying the mechanism of activation and function of MC4R at the primary cilia

Nathan Cho

Nathan Cho


Stanford University
BS, Biology with Honors

PI: Sophie Dumont

Research summary: Defining the mechanisms by which NuMA drives spindle mechanical robustness

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship (2023-2025)
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellow (2022-2023)
Chuan Lyu Discovery Fellow (2021-2024)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Honorable Mention (2021)
Tetrad Teaching Assistant Award (2021)

Pervin Choksi

Pervin Choksi

University of Western Australia
BS, Biomedical Science

PI: Holger Willenbring

Research summary: Manipulating oval cells to restore liver function in alcoholic hepatitis patients

Zach Cogan

Zach Cogan

University of California, Santa Barbara
BA, Biology

PI: Peter Walter

Daniel Conrad

Daniel Conrad


University of California, Santa Barbara
BS, Cell & Developmental Biology

PI: Zev Gartner

Research summary: Single-Cell Sequencing Technology Development

Brandon Courteau

Brandon Courteau

University of Rochester
BS, Biological Sciences - Biochemistry

PI: Natalia Jura, Kliment Verba

Research summary: Structural studies of oligomeric states of HER receptors

Lorenzo Del Castillo

Lorenzo Del Castillo

California State University, Northridge
BS, Cell and Molecular Biology

PI: Jeremy Reiter

Research summary: I am using optogenetic tools in cells to manipulate hedgehog signaling and look at pathway dynamics in different developmental systems.

Ulises Diaz

Ulises Diaz

San Francisco State University
BS, Cell and Molecular Biology

PI: Wallace Marshall

Research summary: Organelle scaling and regulation in giant unicellular organisms.

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: HHMI Gilliam Fellow 2020

Carla Espinoza

Carla Espinoza


University of California, San Diego
BS, Biochemistry and Cell Biology

PI: Natalia Jura

Research summary: Investigating structure and signal activation of proto-oncogene RON receptor with it's ligand, Macrophage Stimulating Protein (MSP).

Jocelyne Fadiga

Jocelyne Fadiga

University of California, Merced
BS, Chemical Sciences

PI: Orion Weiner

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NIH IMSD

Outreach activities:
OCPD orientation talks
UC Merced - UROC

Haley Gause

Haley Gause


California State University, Long Beach
BS, Microbiology

PI: Sandy Johnson

Research summary: Mechanisms behind Candida and Bacterial Interactions in the Gut Microbiome

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: Hooper Graduate Student Fellowship (2022)
Discovery Fellowship (2020 - current)
TA Excellence Award (2020)
MPHD T32 Training Fellow (2019)
NSF GRFP Honorable Mention (2018)

Sarah Heater

Sarah Heater

University of Washington
BS, Biology:Physiology and Spanish

PI: Anita Sil

Research summary: Rapid gain and loss of an aneuploid chromosome drives key phenotypic states (virulence, morphology, etc) in a fungal pathogen of humans, and may be a form of fungal bet hedging

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: MPHD/iMicro T32 (2022)
ARCS (2020 & 2021)
NSF GRFP Honorable Mention (2020)

Outreach activities: UCSF Science and Health Educational Partnership Volunteer

Kelsey Hennick

Kelsey Hennick

University of California, Davis
BS, Genetics

PI: Tom Nowakowski

Research summary: cortical development

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Honorable Mention

Outreach activities:
SEP Highschool Internship Program
Letters to a Pre-scientist

Alex Hong

Alex Hong

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BS, Biology

PI: Joseph Bondy-Denomy

Research summary: Characterizing P. aeruginosa antiphage defense systems – Gabija and "ImmunoX" – particularly how their putative proteins target infecting phage DNA and the regulatory mechanisms behind these systems.

Lili Kim

Lili Kim


University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Carol Gross

Research summary: Surveying the Phenotypic Landscape of Bacillus subtilis

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: 2018 NSF GRFP - Honorable Mention

Claire Kokontis

Claire Kokontis


University of Chicago
BS, Biology

PI: Joseph Bondy-Denomy

Research summary: Mechanisms of a bacteriophage-encoded protective "nucleus-like" structure and anti-CRISPR proteins

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: UCSF Discovery Fellowship (2022-current)
TA Excellence Award (2023)

Fredrick Leon

Fredrick Leon


Emory University
BS, Biology

PI: David Booth

Research summary: The influence of iron on cell differentiation and nutrient sharing in the closest living relatives of animals

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF fellow, Discovery Fellows

Outreach activities: CCA Biodesign competition

Armando Martinez

Armando Martinez

San Jose State University
BS, Molecular Biology

PI: Frank McCormick

Research summary: Investigating SOS1 two distinct RAS binding sites: a catalytic site and an additional allosteric RAS binding site

Jessica Mella

Jessica Mella

University of Utah
BS, Biology

PI: Abigail Buchwalter

Research summary: Sequence determinants of nuclear envelope protein function

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: UCSF Matilda Edlund Scholarship, 2019
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship 2024 (awarded, declined)
NIH F31 predoctoral fellowship 2024-2026

Melissa Mendez

Melissa Mendez


Univ of London-King's College London
BSC, Biochemistry

PI: Peter Walter

Research summary: A novel role for the ER HSP70 in proteotasis via a nucleotide-independent interaction with the UPR sensor IRE1⍺

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NIGMS IMSD Fellowship

Kim Meneses

Kim Meneses


University of California, Los Angeles
BS, Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics

PI: Zev Gartner

Research summary: The role of basement membrane on the structural niche of insulinlow beta cells in pancreatic islets

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: CIRM Fellowship 2021-2023
NSF Fellowship 2021-2026

Camille Moore

Camille Moore

University of California, Berkeley
BA, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

PI: Vijay Ramani, Geeta Narlikar

Research summary: Investigating the structure of heterochromatic domains using a minimal in vitro system and high throughput sequencing

Anna Morrison

Anna Morrison


University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
BS, Cellular and Molecular Biology

PI: Anita Sil

Research summary: Investigating the molecular mechanisms that underlie temperature response in Histoplasma capsulatum

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Honorable Mention (2021)
Microbial Pathogenesis and Host Defense (MPHD) T32 Training Grant (2021 & 2023)

Outreach activities: Science and Health Education Partnership (SEP)

Thomas Moss

Thomas Moss

University of Virginia
BS, Biology

PI: Shaeri Mukherjee

Research summary: Mechanistic investigation into translational abrogation by Hsc70 phosphorylation

Carlos Nowotny

Carlos Nowotny

San Diego State University
BS, Chemistry Biochemistry

PI: David Agard

Research summary: A Mechanistic understanding of Hsp90-mediated kinase degradation

Ali Palla

Ali Palla

University of California, Berkeley
BS, Chemical Biolody

PI: Danica Galonic Fujimori

Research summary: Investigating the mechanisms and functions of histone modifier KDM5A beyond the histone H3 tail

Nathan Rossen

Nathan Rossen

Macalester College
BA, Biology

PI: David Julius

Research summary: Physiology and pathophysiology of enterochromaffin cells

CJ San Felipe

CJ San Felipe


University of California, Berkeley
BA, Molecular and Cell Biology

PI: James Fraser

Research summary: Developing SARS-CoV-2 antiviral therapeutics targeting Tom70-Orf9b.

Frederick Santana

Frederick Santana


San Francisco State University
MS, Cell and Molecular Biology
BS, Biology (Microbiology)

PI: Natalia Jura

Research summary: Pseudokinase regulation of PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling in melanoma

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: 2021 NASEM Ford Foundation Fellowship; 2019 NIGMS IMSD Fellowship; 2022 HHMI Gilliam Fellowship Finalist (HM)

CJ Sarabia

CJ Sarabia


University of California, Santa Cruz
BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

PI: Roshanak Irannejad

Research summary: Investigation of GPCR signaling from intracellular membrane compartments in primary neurons

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF GRFP 2022 Honorable Mention

Outreach activities: I am a member of the UCSF Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) chapter where I have helped organize graduate application workshops and other community events.

Hayden Saunders

Hayden Saunders


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BS, Biology BS

PI: Geeta Narlikar

Research summary: Nucleosome conformational dynamics

Sushil Sobti

Sushil Sobti

University of Missouri-Columbia
BS, Chemistry

PI: Hani Goodarzi

Research summary: Sources and role of noise in gene expression

Steve or Steven Sun

Steve or Steven Sun


San Francisco State University
MS, Cell and Molecular Biology
BS, Cell and Molecular Biology

PI: Ryan Hernandez

Research summary: Impact of associative overdominance on nucleotide diversity and the site frequency spectrum

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: IMSD Fellowship (2020-2022)

Vanna Tran

Vanna Tran


Southwestern University
BS, Biology

PI: Sophie Dumont

Research summary: Defining the physical and molecular basis of mammalian kinetochore structural maintenance under force

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: UCSF Discovery Fellow
Integrated Program in Complex Biological Systems (ipCBS) T32
NIH Diversity Supplement

Outreach activities:
Lowell High School outreach (2022)
Discovery Day at Bay Area Science Festival Booth (2022)
ScholarMatch coach (2022-2024)
High School Student Summer Internship Mentor (2022-2024)

Alexis Villani

Alexis Villani


University of California, Irvine
BS, Microbiology and Immunology

PI: Joseph Bondy-Denomy

Research summary: Temperature-induced inactivation of bacterial immune systems

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: MPHD T32 2021-2022
NSF-GFRP 2022-present

Brian Wysolmerski

Brian Wysolmerski

Cambridge University
M PHIL, Genetics
Pomona College
BA, Biology

PI: Mark Von Zastrow

Research summary: Subcellular trafficking of the heterotrimeric G protein, Gs, after activation by GPCRs

Connie Yan

Connie Yan

University of Washington
BAS, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology

PI: Wallace Marshall

Research summary: Role of Sfi1 proteins in Stentor regeneration

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF GRFP - 2019

Jenny Zhang

Jenny Zhang


University of California, Berkeley
BA, Molecular Cellular Biology

PI: Sandy Johnson

Research summary: Molecular components that mediate Candida-Pseudomonas antagonism.

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: UCSF Discovery Fellowship 2021-current
UCSF Fletcher Jones Fellowship 2022-2023

Fourth Year

Kenya Bonitto

Kenya Bonitto


University of California, Los Angeles
BS, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

PI: Davide Ruggero

Research summary: Exploring the functions of non-canonical translation factors and understanding how cancer cells control translational machinery.

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NIGMS IMSD Fellowship
Discovery Fellowship

Emmy Delaney

Emmy Delaney


University of California, Davis
BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

PI: David Morgan

Research summary: Investigating separase substrates and their role in cell cycle progression

Camille Derderian

Camille Derderian


CUNY Hunter College
BA, Psychology

PI: Jeremy Reiter

Research summary: Studying the localization and function of membrane lipids at the primary cilium

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: ARCS Scholarship 2023-2024
TETRAD TA Award 2023

Outreach activities: I have participated in UCSF’s Science Education Partnership with San Francisco Public Schools since 2022. I plan to continue signing up for the SEP each year.

Eli Dugan

Eli Dugan


University of California, Berkeley
BA, Molecular Cell Biology

PI: Alex Marson

Research summary: Comprehensive Identification of HIV host factors in primary T cells.

Chloe Ghent

Chloe Ghent


University of California, Berkeley
BA, Molecular and Cell Biology

PI: Danica Galonic Fujimori

Research summary: Investigating the regulation of antibiotic resistance in bacteria

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: Discovery Fellows
ARCS Scholarship

Outreach activities: Collaborated through the UCSF SEP program to teach science lessons to elementary school children.

Matt Howard

Matt Howard


Washington University
AB, Biology & Chemistry: Concentration in Biochemistry

PI: Aashish Manglik, Willow Coyote-Maestas

Research summary: Development of high-throughput genetic screening platforms to study GPCR function, evolution, and pharmacology

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: Julius R. and Patricia A. Krevans Fellowship

Philipp Huettemann

Philipp Huettemann


University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Tanja Kortemme

Research summary: Designing de novo signaling systems

Outreach activities: Tutoring Ukranian refugees

Julia Kim

Julia Kim


Smith College
BA, Biochemistry

PI: Wallace Marshall, Mustafa Aydogan

Research summary: Metabolism in Early Development

Tracy Knight

Tracy Knight


Brown University
BS, Cell and Molecular Biology

PI: Abigail Buchwalter

Research summary: Identifying the mechanism of nuclear membrane protein emerin in human skeletal muscle differentiation

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Recipient (2023)
UCSF Discovery Fellowship (2023)

Jennifer Le

Jennifer Le


University of California, Riverside
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Zev Gartner

Research summary: Cellular self-organization in the mammary epithelium

Deepa Rajan

Deepa Rajan


Vanderbilt University
BA, Neuroscience

PI: Wallace Marshall, Adam Frost

Research summary: Origins of Intelligence

Outreach activities: Bay Area Science Festival

David Sanchez Godinez

David Sanchez Godinez


University of California, Santa Cruz
BS, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

PI: Orion Weiner

Research summary: Investigating how epithelial cells interpret mechanical and soluble cues to polarize during collective cell migration

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NIGMS IMSD Fellowship, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, TA award for Tetrad course

Outreach activities: Taught middle school students through SEP, recruited underrepresented students at the SACNAS Diversity in STEM Conference, and went to lunches with BAYS high school interns at UCSF.

Gabriel Viramontes

Gabriel Viramontes


University of California, Merced
BS, Biology: Emphasis in Ecology and Evolution

PI: David Booth

Research summary: Uncoupling how algal cues trigger multicellular development in the closest living relatives of animals

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: IMSD Award

Taylor Watanabe

Taylor Watanabe


Whittier College
BA, Biology

PI: Daniel Mordes

Research summary: Studying TDP-43 Proteinopathies: Modeling Early-Stage Disease Pathogenesis

Caroline Wilson

Caroline Wilson


Colby College
BA, Biology: Concentration in Neuroscience

PI: Luke Gilbert

Research summary: High-throughput combinatorial CRISPR-based epigenetic editor discovery

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF Honorable Mention

Third Year

Rio Barrere-Cain

Rio Barrere-Cain


University of California, Los Angeles
Human Biology

PI: Tiffany Scharschmidt

Research summary: Transcriptional regulation of CD4 tissue persistence in the skin

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: Trefethen Family Travel Award

I have published an online op-ed and two manuscripts, one of which I was first other on. Citations are below:

Op-Ed Published on Online Forum Highlighting How Physicians Can Increase Voting Opportunities June 17, 2021

Macedo, B., Christophers, B., Barrere-Cain, R., Albrecht, Y. S., Granovetter, M. C., Kumar, R., ... & Rodrigues, J. A. (2022). The Virtual Summer Research Program: supporting future physician-scientists from underrepresented backgrounds. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. PMID: 36285020.

Barrere-Cain, R., Garriga, M., Kaki, D. A., Lawrence, C., Reardon, A., & Martin, A. (2022) Why and How Civic Health Should be Incorporated into Medical Education. Academic Medicine. PMID: 36149387.

Barrere‐Cain, R. (2022). Intersectional community‐centered climate change curriculum is needed in health professional education. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. PMID: 36310501.

Outreach activities:
Mentor for NSF Research and Mentorship for Postbaccalaurates (RaMP). I design and lead microbiology, immunology, and professional development curriculum for a cohort of postbaccalaureate students. I am the primary mentor for a year long full time postbaccalaureate student in our lab.

Community for Underrepresented Physician Scientists Outreach Leader: I coordinate mentorship opportunities with students from underrepresented backgrounds who were interested in physician-scientists career paths. For example, in February 2022, together with colleagues, I helped host a conference for prospective MD-PhD students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Mentorship: I participated in a UCSF mentorship program with the Latinx Medical Student Association where I worked with met individually for 1hr with over 15 students from underrepresented backgrounds interested in research and medicine. In these sessions we talked about everything from wellbeing, medical school applications, and getting into research. I now mentor students from underrepresented backgrounds applying to MD-PhD programs.

Non-Partisan Voter Outreach Leader: I led six UCSF phone banks to increase voter participation and helped organize letter writing campaigns. I worked on a team of medical students to develop guiding principles for how civic health, particularly increasing non-partisan voting opportunities in clinical settings, could be integrated into medical school curriculum.

Medical Student Volunteer at Clínica Martin Barό: With this UCSF student led community clinic in the San Francisco Mission Neighborhood, I collaborate with attendings to provide bilingual primary care and referrals for primarily Spanish speaking low-income patients. Additionally, I mentor SF State students who are part of the care team.

Vice Chair American Physician Scientists Association (APSA) Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee (June 2021-July 2022): I helped lead diversity initiatives with the national American Physician Scientists Association, including a Virtual Summer Research Program (VSRP) that matched 156 undergraduates from underrepresented backgrounds with research mentors. I helped lead the programming and coordination for two VSRP summers. For our work increasing diversity in the physician-scientist career APSA was awarded a 2021 Power of A Silver Award from the Center for Association Leadership. I also served on the Fundraising Committee where I helped write grants, such as one to BD Biosciences.

Miranda Cabanski-Dunning

Miranda Cabanski-Dunning

University of California, Davis
BS, Cell Biology

PI: Frank McCormick

Research summary: Uncoupling the regulation of PI3K signaling from canonical RAS in HER2 amplified cell lines.

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: IMSD

Aaron Corin

Aaron Corin


Brandeis University
BS, Biochemistry, Biology

PI: Vijay Ramani, Geeta Narlikar

Research summary: Reconstituting Genome Organization

Amelie Delcourt

Amelie Delcourt

University of California, Los Angeles
BS, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

PI: Leanne Jones

Micah Fernando

Micah Fernando


Grand Valley State University
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Kevan Shokat

Research summary: Understanding the role of Rab proteins, a subfamily of small GTPases, in both cellular trafficking and disease

Ruth Groza

Ruth Groza

University of Washington
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Angela Phillips

Research summary: Longitudinal proteomics to decipher host selection pressures shaping influenza protein evolution

Abby Hein

Abby Hein


University of Colorado at Boulder
BA, Biochemistry

PI: Stephen Floor

Research summary: Examining how the exposure of Lamin A/C polymers change in response to mechanical strain

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Honorable Mention

Abe Horrillo

Abe Horrillo


University of California, Los Angeles
BS, Molecular, Cell, Developmental Biology

PI: Benoit Bruneau

Research summary: Understanding changes in genome architecture and epigenetics during cardiac development.

Haiming Hu

Haiming Hu


University of California, San Diego
BS, Chemical Engineering

PI: Hao Li

Research summary: ”Curing” Alzheimer’s Disease through Transcriptional Reprogramming

Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones

University of Utah
BS, Cell and Molecular Biology

PI: Robert Blelloch

Research summary: Investigating the role of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in cancer cell vesicle secretion

Hannah Kortbawi

Hannah Kortbawi


Santa Clara University

PI: Joseph DeRisi

Research summary: Investigating the role of autoantibodies in endometriosis

Jimin Lee

Jimin Lee


Korea Advanced Inst of Sci and Tech
MS, Chemistry
BS, Life Sciences

PI: Dan Southworth

Research summary: Investigating the Structure of Tau Fibrils

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: I have been re-appointed to the UCSF Tetrad training grant for the period of 09/01/2024 to 08/31/2025. This is unusual, as they are only extending this opportunity to a select few third-year students.

Jodi Lee

Jodi Lee

University of California, Santa Cruz
BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

PI: Katie Pollard

Research summary: mechanisms that regulate the genome across time by developing bioinformatic methods

Gabriella Maldonado

Gabriella Maldonado


Northeastern University
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Hideho Okada

Research summary: Dissecting molecular mechanisms driving immunsuppressive myeloid phenotypes in glioblastoma

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation PhD Scholarship

Outreach activities: SACNAS, PROPEL

Ayush Midha

Ayush Midha


Harvard University
Human Developmental and Regenterative Biology

PI: Isha Jain

Research summary: Metabolic adaptations to hypoxia in mammals

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: UCSF Justice, Equity, and Inclusion Award
NIH Ruth Kirschstein Predoctoral F30 Fellowship, NIDDK

Macey Slota

Macey Slota

Belmont University
BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

PI: Davide Ruggero

Research summary: Understanding how cancers hijack protein synthesis

Outreach activities: Officer in Women in Life Sciences, Mentor in QBI Internship Program, Mentor in First Generation Student Organization, Vice President of Finance in the Out of State Student Association

Cole Tharp

Cole Tharp

Iowa State University of Science and Technology
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Angela Phillips

Research summary: Elucidating biophysical constraints on the maturation of broadly neutralizing antibodies

Alex Vu

Alex Vu

University of Southern California
BS, Biochemistry

PI: Qizhi Tang

Research summary: Regulation of Persistence in Human Regulatory T Cells

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: Symbiont Seed Grant (2023) $10,000: In vitro CRISPR screen for regulators of Treg persistence
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): funding for 3 years of PhD study

Keith Walcott

Keith Walcott

University of California, Santa Cruz
BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

PI: Angela Phillips

Research summary: Investigating the impact of host protein homeostasis on SARS-CoV-2 evolution

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Kaite Zhang

Kaite Zhang

Tufts University
BS, Biology & Clinical Psychology

PI: Vijay Ramani

Research summary: Exploring heterochromatin irregularity with high-resolution, single-molecule nucleosome footprinting

Second Year

Kevin Boardman

Kevin Boardman


BS, Genetics and Genomics

PI: Davide Ruggero

Research summary: Investigating the regulatory roles of non-canonical translation factors

Rudra Bose

Rudra Bose

MS, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Vellore Institute of Technology
BTech, Biotechnology

PI: Martin Kampmann

Peiwen (Wendy) Cheng

Peiwen (Wendy) Cheng


University of Cambridge
BA, Natural Sciences (Biological)

PI: Daniele Canzio

Daniel Darling

Daniel Darling

BA, Biology

PI: Bassem Al-Sady

Sarina Ehteshamzadeh Ganjbakhsh

Sarina Ehteshamzadeh Ganjbakhsh

MS, Biological Sciences
BSC, Cellular and Molecular Biology

PI: Sam Pleasure

Angela Gao

Angela Gao

BS, Mechanical Engineering

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) (2023)

Sam Ghaffari-Kashani

Sam Ghaffari-Kashani


BA, Molecular and Cell Biology

PI: Angela Phillips

Can Goksal

Can Goksal


BA, Molecular & Cellular Biology

PI: Abigail Buchwalter, Bassem Al-Sady

Research summary: Mechanism of chromatin tethering to the nuclear lamina

Emily Graham

Emily Graham


PI: Carlo Condello

Research summary: Understanding the affect of homizygous CSF1R mutations on the Disease Phenotypes in CSF1R Related Leukoencephalopathy.

Michelle Grunberg

Michelle Grunberg


BA, Biology

PI: Joseph Bondy-Denomy

Research summary: Investigating the mechanisms of bacterial nucleotide immune signaling systems

Julianne Lim

Julianne Lim

MS, Molecular Genetics
BS MED SC, Biochemistry

PI: Peter Bruno

Chang Liu

Chang Liu


BA, Integrative Physiology

PI: Jeannette Tenthorey

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: Shurl & Kay Curci Scholarship

Miaoxi Liu

Miaoxi Liu


University of Toronto.
BSC, Immunology and Cell & Molecular biology

PI: Joseph Bondy-Denomy

Paddy Liu

Paddy Liu

BS, Biological sciences; Philosophy

PI: Elphege Nora

Brigitte Meyer

Brigitte Meyer

BS, Chemistry w/ Biochemistry Specialization

PI: Natalia Jura, Kliment Verba

Research summary: Structural investigation of the PI3K signalosome

Megan Ostrowski

Megan Ostrowski


BA, Molecular Biology

Research summary: Sequence grammar of the stress response in dopaminergic neurons

Rafaella Shima

Rafaella Shima


BA, Biochemistry

PI: Peter Turnbaugh

Zhidong Tan

Zhidong Tan

BS, Biological Science (Poling Class)

PI: Orion Weiner

Eric Tang

Eric Tang


MS, Biology (Cell and Molecular Biology)
BS, Biology (Cell and Molecular Biology)

PI: Brian Black

Honors, Awards & Fellowships: NIGMS IMSD Fellow

Outreach activities: In addition to my research, I lead a program to bring hands-on science learning into public school classrooms in the San Francisco Unified School District. We work closely with groups at UCSF and San Francisco State University to bring volunteer scientists into classrooms and allow young, budding scientists to experience doing hypothesis-driven, novel research for the very first time.

Urvashi Thopte

Urvashi Thopte


MA, Biotechnology
BS, Microbiology

PI: Cathryn Cadwell

Research summary: Elucidating the role and mechanism of retinoic acid signaling in patterning and development of the human cerebral cortex

Carlo Vetralla

Carlo Vetralla



PI: Daniele Canzio

First Year

Cristina Dabaco

Cristina Dabaco

Cornell University
BS, Biological Sciences

Bezawit Danna

Bezawit Danna

University of California: Los Angeles
BS, Biochemistry

Lindsay Farr

Lindsay Farr

Whitman College
BA, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology

Jake Foreman

Jake Foreman

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BS, Biology and Chemistry

Laurel Geraci

Laurel Geraci


University of California: Davis
BAS, Genetics/Genomics and Spanish

Chet Graswich

Chet Graswich


University of Texas at Austin
BS, Biochemistry, BA in History

Stephen Jiang

Stephen Jiang


University of California: Berkeley
BA, Molecular and Cell Biology

Zuzhi Jiang

Zuzhi Jiang

Peking University
BS, Integrated Science

Landon Nguyen

Landon Nguyen

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
PhD, Cell and Molecular Biology
Texas A&M University
BS, Microbiology

Luis Oliva

Luis Oliva

University of California: San Diego
MS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
University of California: Santa Cruz
BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Patrick Quinn

Patrick Quinn

Humboldt State University
MA, Academic Research in Biological Psychology
BA, Psychology

Matias Rojas Montero

Matias Rojas Montero

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
BS, Biology

Helen Than

Helen Than

University of California: San Diego
BS, Biochemistry/Chemistry

Bella Wischik

Bella Wischik

Amherst College
BA, Biochemistry and Biophysics

Wenxi Zhang

Wenxi Zhang

University of California: Los Angeles
BS, Computational Biology and Molecular Biology

Kate Zhou

Kate Zhou


University of San Francisco
BS, Biology

Zijian Zhu

Zijian Zhu

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
BS MED SC, Biomedical Science