Tetrad Research in Progress Seminar (RiPS)
This course will provide graduate students in year 1-5 a forum in which to develop research presentation skills; critically organize and review scientific data; and analyze and question scientific presentations.
All students will be scheduled to present their research progress annually in year 1-5.
Attendance at weekly seminars is required for all students in years 1-5. Regular attendance is strongly recommended for all faculty and more senior students.
Student Presenter Responsibilities:
Year 1:
- Meet with faculty advisor to prepare for a 3-minute flash talk
- Become familiar with background material
- Create one (1) slide
- Collaborate with other speakers to combine slides into one presentation
- Present 3 minute flash talk
Year 2:
- Meet with faculty advisor to prepare for a 8-minute research talk
- Become familiar with background material
- Create approximately 8-10 slide long presentation and practice it so it does not exceed 8 minutes
- Present talk and be available for follow up questions
Year 3:
- Meet with faculty advisor to prepare for a 12-minute research talk
- Become familiar with background material
- Create approximately 10-12 slide long presentation and practice it so it does not exceed 12 minutes
- Present talk and be available for follow up questions
Year 4-5:
- Meet with faculty advisor to prepare for a 20-minute talk
- Become familiar with background material
- Create approximately 15-20 slide long presentation and practice it so it does not exceed 20 minutes
- Present talk and be available for follow up questions
Faculty Advisor Responsibilities:
- Meet with the student to give guidance prior to the talk.
- Meet with the student to rehearse the talk at least twice prior to giving it formally.
- Attend the talk. This is important. Encourage other group members to attend.
- Give feedback to the student after the talk.
- Make sure the student talk adheres to the time limit (see above).
- The advisor will complete an online evaluation to include a short feedback paragraph.
Faculty Moderator Responsibilities:
Each quarter there will be 2 new faculty moderators
- Attend each week
- Introduce each speaker
- Manage timekeeping
- Take attendance