Thesis Talk
December3:00 pm
Ulises Diaz
Marshall Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
The Mid-Cell Cytoplasmic Solution to Gel State Transition Drives Cytoplasmic Mixing of Tracer Beads and Organelles in the Giant Amoebozoa Chaos carolinensis
Thesis Talk
December3:00 pm
Haley Gause
Johnson Lab
Rock Hall Auditorium
Friend or foe?: Metabolic Cross-Feeding Impacts Growth of Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis in the Gut Microbiome.
Thesis Talk
November3:00 pm
Hayden Saunders
Narlikar Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
Motus vitae: nucleosome conformational dynamics bring chromatin to life.
Thesis Talk
November4:15 pm
Elizabeth Bond
Williams Lab
MH-1400 Mission Hall
Stress and the City: How Phosphorylation Governs Assembly of a Multi-Stress Sensor
Thesis Talk
October4:00 pm
Mashel Fatema Saifuddin
L'Etoile Lab
Med-Sci S-214
Just Keep Swimming: Motor Plan Integration Improves Procedural Memory Recall
Thesis Talk
September4:00 pm
Candace Chan
Ahituv Lab
Rock Hall
Genomic and Transcriptomic Examination of Functional Elements and Absent Sequences
Thesis Talk
September3:00 pm
Megan Chong
Dumont Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
(Chromosome) Size Matters: Uncovering the Biophysical Cues in Decision Making in the Mammalian Spindle
Thesis Talk
August3:00 pm
Adam Longhurst
Toczyski Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
Why so resistant? - The Role of a MTF2-containing PRC2 subcomplex in G1 Regulation
Thesis Talk
August3:00 pm
Dana Kennedy
Al-Sady Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
I like big books and I cannot lie: How a phosphorylated reader (pSwi6) and a writer (Clr4) coordinate literacy in the nucleus.
Thesis Talk
August1:00 pm
Nia Teerikorpi
Willsey Lab
Rock Hall Auditorium
"Ciliary biology intersects autism and congenital heart disease"