Thesis Talk
March4:00 pm
Wei Gordon
Ahituv Lab
Rock Hall 102
“Investigating the genetic factors underlying the evolution of frugivory in mammals”
Thesis Talk
March3:00 pm
Ben Herken
Gilbert Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
“Environmental Challenge Rewires Functional Connections Among Human Genes."
Thesis Talk
January3:00 pm
Eliza Nieweglowska
Agard Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
"The ϕPA3 phage nucleus is Enclosed by a Self-Assembling 2D Crystalline Lattice"
Thesis Talk
December3:30 pm
Francesca Del Frate
Johnson Lab
Rock Hall Auditorium
"Different Solutions, Same result? How changes in the regulation of mating in yeast teach us about the evolution of gene regulation"
Thesis Talk
December1:00 pm
Chari Noddings
Agard Lab
Rock Hall Auditorium
“Cryo-EM Structures Reveal How Hsp90 and Co-chaperones Regulate the Glucocorticoid Receptor”
Thesis Talk
November3:00 pm
Lana Harshman
Ahituv's Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
Exploring gene regulatory differences between archaic and modern humans
Thesis Talk
September3:00 pm
Chris Carlson
Morgan Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
What’s inside a coronavirus?
Thesis Talk
September1:00 pm
Kristine Trotta
Chou Lab
Genentech Hall Auditorium
Physiological requirements for lysis by an interbacterial cell wall-degrading toxin
Thesis Talk
September3:00 pm
Justin Salat
Mullins Lab
Rock Hall Auditorium
The Arp2/3 complex is involved in the NHEJ pathway of DNA repair
Thesis Talk
September2:00 pm
Antonio Cuevas Navarro
McCormick Lab
Helen Diller Auditorium (HD 160)
Deciphering the mechanism of mitotic regulation and MAPK hyperactivation by RIT1 oncoproteins