Thesis Talk
September1:00 pm
Efren Reyes
Gartner & Klein Labs
Genentech Hall Auditorium
Epithelial TNF controls cell differentiation and CFTR activity to maintain intestinal mucin homeostasis
Thesis Talk
May3:30 pm
GH Auditorium
Michael Schoof
Walter Lab
“A unifying mechanism for activation and inhibition of the integrated stress response”
Thesis Talk
April4:00 pm
Byer Hall Auditorium
Muryam Gourdet
Narlikar Lab
“Unveiling the mechanisms that regulate INO80”
Thesis Talk
April2:00 pm
Rock Hall Auditorium
Matt Laurie
Derisi Lab
“The Path(ogen) of Least Resistance: Characterization of Pathogen Susceptibility to Drugs and Antibodies and Discovery of Novel Inhibitors”
Thesis Talk
April3:00 pm
GH Auditorium
Ben Barsi-Rhyne
von Zastrow Lab
“Getting arrested: G protein-coupled receptor-biased control of the endocytic network by β-arrestin”
Thesis Talk
March12:00 pm
Remote Only
Taylor Skokan
Vale Lab
“Mechanisms of re-Hydra-tion: Cellular coordination in tissue regeneration and function in Hydra vulgaris”
Thesis Talk
January2:00 pm
HD-160 (masking required indoors) & Remote via Zoom
Kyle Fowler
Johnson Lab
“When 2 become 1: non-additive mutations and a transcription factor's evolutionary quest for companionship”
Thesis Talk
December2:00 pm
Joseph Replogle
Weissman Lab
“A tale of two cities: Mapping rich genotype-phenotype landscapes with genome-scale Perturb-seq”
Thesis Talk
December2:00 pm
Parnassus HSW-303 (subject to 50% room capacity limit, indoor masking) and Remote by Zoom
Allison Cohen
Sil Lab
“Find me, eat me if you dare: genome-scale CRISPR screening reveals that C3aR signaling is critical for rapid capture of fungi by macrophages”
Thesis Talk
November4:00 pm
Parnassus S-214 (subject to 50% room capacity limit, indoor masking) and Remote by Zoom
Dinara Azimova
Sil Lab
“Effectors Assemble: How Histoplasma uses secreted cysteine-rich proteins to kill macrophages”